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ss space space: producing space: simplify, amplify, megaphone factory

October 7 – November 18, 2023

瞧瞧藝術本期展覽很榮幸展出藝術家團隊「二人空間研究室」ss space space所創造的限地裝置藝術「生產空間:精簡、擴充、揚聲器製造所」producing space。




此次展覽「⽣產空間:精簡、擴充、揚聲器製造所」為⼀限地空間裝置,以展覽場地瞧瞧藝術的所在地揚聲器製造所 — 三明電音為創作研究起點,透過對於揚聲器的研發、製造、功能與其所適用之場域的梳理,展開聲音、材料與時空的對話。 家家⼾戶電視的吵雜聲、首次播放的垃圾車音樂聲響、娛樂與抗爭集會的聲響、政治與宗教理念宣揚、國際社會的思想傳播等皆是1960年代的臺灣聲⾳的寫照。此時期的臺灣在解嚴時期前,政治前途未⼘、許多事物擺盪在懸⽽未決的狀態中,社會中瀰漫許多新穎的聲音,卻同時也存在許多屏蔽發聲的限制。而揚聲器的發明與製造不僅成為生活中各種理念、價值與訊息傳播的載體,更參與了此時期臺灣劇烈變化的歷史進程。




因此,此次展覽將從揚聲器製造所的場域出發,並以1960至1970年代解嚴前後之價值重整、懸宕躁動的臺灣社會為⽂本,結合雕塑媒材進行創作,用無聲的媒材描繪聲音如何在空間中存在,並同時作為形塑與破壞空間的途徑;另一方面,此次展覽也以聲音的傳遞過程為發想基礎,期待能透過符號、圖案、造型、材料與空間的相互交織,探討語言與其在傳播過程所延展出對於空間的感知,並以此作為回應當今的社會現狀的方式 — 聲音創造出來的空間是事物流動的容器、是一種氛圍與認知、是時間的結晶,更是⽂化與政治的體現。

Gallery x Chiao is pleased to present “producing space: simplify, amplify, megaphone factory”— a site-specific installation created by artist collective ss space space. 

The exhibition is inspired by the gallery space itself. Sanming Sound, which had formerly occupied Gallery x Chiao and now shares the same floor with the gallery, is a pioneer manufacturer of speakerphones in Taiwan since the 1960s. Inspired by the historical significance of speakerphones in the democratization process of Taiwan, the various roles of speakerphones in people's lives, as well as their design as objects, ss space space produced an installation that examines the interaction between sculptures and objects and their surroundings. Using (at times) unexpected materials, symbols, or visual cues that the mind is already familiar with to reconstruct the space, the exhibition explores a new narrative, sparking a dialogue on the movement of sound, time and space through soundless sculptures and objects.

About the Artists

以「空間」為研究與創作主題的創作團體「二人空間研究室」ss space space 由藝術家曾彥翔與吳依宣兩人所組成,運用各種現成的場域,試圖在展覽空間中透過非常態的創作材料及物件,突破現場的時空架構來重新詮釋及創造一個空間。

ss space space is an artist collective of Sean Tseng & Sara Wu I-Hsuan. Its research-based practice centers around various notions of space. Through creating site-specific installations that both challenge and speak to the exhibition space itself, their work aims to recreate a narrative for the space, and inspire dialogue through the use of unexpected mediums and objects.

© 2024 Gallery x Chiao

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