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瞧瞧藝術是一個以介紹加州多元的藝術文化為宗旨位於台北市區的當代藝術畫廊。由現居於洛杉磯的藝術家及作家謝蕎安Joanne Hsieh創立瞧瞧藝術以輕鬆和非學術性的展覽和線上內容為美國藝術家和台灣觀眾提供互動機會滋養新一代藏家的美感來源和收藏動機。

創辦人兼總監謝蕎安為2017 年芝加哥藝術學院藝術碩士2010年畢業於加州大學爾灣分校美術系。其Gallery x Chiao (原 Chiao x Art) 以給予新興藝術家發聲和創作機會為宗旨策劃眾多芝加哥藝術學院校友在亞洲初次登場的展覽也提供台灣新一代藝術家發表作品的空間。


Gallery x Chiao (formerly known as Chiao x Art) is a contemporary art gallery located in downtown Taipei. Founded by Los Angeles-based artist and writer Joanne Hsieh, the gallery introduces the diverse and lively art scenes in California to the Taiwanese audience.


Active online and in the physical art market, Gallery x Chiao cultivates the fun and philosophical aspects of art and art making, bridging and nurturing ties between American artists and collectors in Asia.

Founder/Director Joanne Hsieh received her MFA in painting from School of the Art Institute of Chicago (2017) and BA in Studio Art from UC Irvine (2010). She started Gallery x Chiao initially as an artist-centered online platform with its mission to amplify voices and give space to emerging artists. Since then the gallery has been debuting several fellow SAIC alums in Asia, as well as presenting works by emerging Taiwanese artists.

© 2024 Gallery x Chiao

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